there's no chance

Levenshtein transition table

CANDIDATESняма шанцаў
niama šancaŭ
BLR 🇧🇾
няма шанс
niama šans
BLG 🇧🇬
nema šanse
nema šanse
CRO 🇭🇷
není šance
není šance
CZE 🇨🇿
nie ma szans
nie ma šans
POL 🇵🇱
нет шансов
nьet šansov
RUS 🇷🇺
nie je šanca
nie je šanca
SLK 🇸🇰
ni šans
ni šans
SLN 🇸🇮
нема шансе
nema šanse
SRB 🇷🇸
немає шансу
nemaje šansu
UKR 🇺🇦
nema šanse530 ÷ 2335640 ÷ 2332.00.0
niama šans303 ÷ 2625.5633 ÷ 2533.5-1.5
nie ma šans523 ÷ 2605.5443 ÷ 2534.5-2.5
ni šans634 ÷ 24.544.5604 ÷ 25.537.5-5.5
není šance663 ÷ 20664.54.53 ÷ 25.541.5-9.5
nemaje šansu6.553 ÷ 25.556.555.53 ÷ 2042.0-10.0
niama šancaŭ035 ÷ 2656.0565 ÷ 26.542.5-10.5
nie je šanca566 ÷ 24.546.5066 ÷ 2543.0-11.0
nьet šansov6.05.55 ÷ 265.506.54.55 ÷ 26.545.5-13.5

1TOTAL LEVENSHTEIN DISTANCE - Summarized count of letter replacements, insertions or deletions to convert the word into national words. The lower the better.
2MUTUAL INTELLIGIBILITY LOSS - Distance to the best candidate word (the best word has always 0.0 score).

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